
Supporting our mission

We would like to thank e veryone who has sponsored us to date. We would not be able to create the magic without your support.

We cannot wait to welcome you once again or for the very first time, to our Science in the City family!

Please fill in the form if  you are interested in supporting the festival goals https://forms.gle/D7PUAy4Em5NwwmrY6 or drop us an e-mail at [email protected]. It would be a pleasure to work with you!


Where can I find out more about your activities? 

Simply hover over the EVENTS in the top bar and find activities you are interested in to find out more!


Privacy Policy

Change email to [email protected] leave all other text the same

Over the past years, Science in the City proved to be a very successful festival growing into an annual event in both the real world and online platforms. The hybrid event with live activities, in Valletta and a number of activities being streamed from a studio straight to your screens via our website will host over 30 activities for young and old alike. Every year we have increased audience numbers and reached c. 30,000 visitors. In 2020, due to the pandemic, we went purely digital with a following of 20,000 throughout the festival. In 2022 and 23 we aim to attract 35,000 people (c. 7% of Malta’s population) through both online and real-world activities.

Its diverse range of interactive activities will appeal to a number of different sectors of society, ranging from families with children, to youths and pensioners. We have and will continue to focus on creating activities to attract more teenagers and youths. We are pleased to note from the impact assessment studies that the number of people in this age group is increasing

Each year, the month-long public relations build-up for the festival achieves the following:


4 press releases issued, generating 70 direct press references amounting to 6,421 column cms.

TV/Radio Interviews

5 TV broadcasts on three main TV stations. 8 interviews were broadcast on two radio stations and 4 online interviews

Social Media

Science in the City was promoted by the social media of the collaborating entities, such as the Facebook page, blogs and websites of the University’s student groups and all the partners in the project.


Over 16,500 followers and 230,000 unique visits during the 5 week campaign.


Received circa 10,000 hits in September.

TV & Radio Ads

Ads aired on the National TV station TVM and Magic Radio for 2 weeks prior to the event. It is estimated that around 100,000 people viewed these ads

Become a Sponsor

The festival is a unique opportunity to associate your product or service with innovation, creativity and rigorous science. Our extensive public relations and marketing campaign will give you access to all forms of advertising. All platinum and gold sponsors will have an article about their science and innovation in newspapers and online platforms.

To apply for any of these vacancies, please send your CV and coverletter to [email protected] and ensure that you include the vacancy that you wish to apply for.

The 2024 Programme will be Coming Soon